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Friday, July 24, 2015

Hulk Hogan fired by WWE after racist recordings emerge

World Wrestling Entertainment fired Terry Bollea – better known as Hulk Hogan – after several recordings emerged in which he reportedly made racist comments.
Hulk Hogan
Wrestler Hulk Hogan is currently preparing to fight a $100m lawsuit he brought against Gawker Media.
A story shared by the National Enquirer and Radar Online on Friday claimed to have “five independent sources” share details about the contents of a sex tape of the wrestler and reality TV star.
The news comes as Hogan is preparing to fight a $100m lawsuit in a Florida court with Gawker Media over their publishing of a different sex tape with the same woman, Heather Clem – the then-wife of his friend, DJ Bubba “The Love Sponge” Clem.

The Enquirer and Radar story claimed that sources told them that transcripts of the video – which they say are under seal as evidence in the upcoming trial – show Hogan repeatedly using the N-word and saying: “I guess we’re all a little racist.”
In a statement to People magazine on Friday, Hogan apologised for his comments. “Eight years ago I used offensive language during a conversation. It was unacceptable for me to have used that offensive language; there is no excuse for it; and I apologize for having done it,” he said.
“This is not who I am. I believe very strongly that every person in the world is important and should not be treated differently based on race, gender, orientation, religious beliefs or otherwise. I am disappointed with myself that I used language that is offensive and inconsistent with my own beliefs.” 
Almost every reference to Hogan appeared to have been removed from the WWE website Thursday evening, and all Hogan-themed merchandise also appeared to have been removed from the online store.
Annie Kruger, a spokeswoman for WWE, confirmed that Hogan’s contract had been terminated. However, she said that the organisation was unable at this point to say what exactly had precipitated the break.
In a statement, the organisation said: “WWE is committed to embracing and celebrating individuals from all backgrounds as demonstrated by the diversity of our employees, performers and fans worldwide.”
After the news broke, Hogan tweeted: “In the storm I release control, God and his universe will sail me where he wants to be.”

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